Sunday, January 27, 2013

The Great Balancing Act

        As a singleton, I learned the hard way that you have to learn how to balance things in life.  At times, I would overbook and over commit myself to obligations that would leave me feeling exhausted after attempting to do it all.  I learned that sometimes you just have to say No so that you can devote the proper time and attention to more important things in life. Before I got married, I had come to some sort of balance with my time and attention and was comfortable with it.  However, after Mr. Awesome and I jumped the broom, I found myself needing to relearn the balancing game all over again.
         Going from being a singleton to being a wife was a blissful transition.  I was super excited to go from living for one to living for more than one.  However, I did not anticipate the tough road that it would be to transition from living for one to living for two and three instantly.  I easily figured that adjusting to a spouse and child at the same time would be a piece of cake.  Let me tell you that was a big piece of cake.  I suddenly found myself not only trying to be the Proverbs 31 woman who was a wife of noble character, but also the Proverbs 31 woman who was trying to navigate the tricky road of being a non-traditional mother.  Since I felt fairly comfortable with taking on the role of being a wife, I begin to make the mistake of putting much more energy into proving my adequacy of being an instant mother.  I learned quickly that my attempt to perform this type of balancing act was terribly unbalanced and I got a serious wake up call.  Initially, I was putting more energy into keeping up with a schedule that (in my opinion) was too busy for a 13 year old than I was into pouring into my primary ministry outside of God, my marriage.  On top of my personal quests such as my career, personal endeavors, and being a homemaker, I felt like a fast spinning wheel that had come off its axle.  I began to look at other wives and mothers who "appeared" to have everything under control and wonder why was I always so tired and in need of a nap.
      It was during my wake up call that I decided to put things back into the rightful order that they belonged, putting my marriage first after God while everything else followed.  Although things ran more smoothly this way, I wish that I could say I have mastered the new balancing act in my life.  It is something that I continuously pray about, especially now that a new dimension to our family dynamics has further challenged the balance that I was already trying to solidify.  So here I am relearning this new balancing act.  With more prayer, I know that I will get it.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

2012 Reflections

     Out with the old and in with the new.  That is what many say when it is time to welcome in the new year.  Although I am a couple of weeks late, I must say that 2012 was a great year.  It was definitely not without its challenges, but I generally enjoyed the year.  As I reflect back on the year, I can think of one word that describes it all and that word is GROWTH.  2012 was a year when I had to put on many new hats that I had never worn before.  Some people get a time to get accustomed to one hat before they put on another, but that was not my case.  Of course as you know, when I got married to Mr. Awesome, not only did I put on the Wife hat, but I put on the hat of instant mom at the same time.  Although stepping into my wife role was blissful, stepping into the other roles at the same time was very challenging and I spent many moments feeling overwhelmed and wondering how I was going to pull it all off.

     As I look back on 2012, I can reflect on the many changes that I experienced, but I am thankful more than anything.  I am thankful for all of the good moments and the grievous moments.  I am thankful for the lessons learned and the moments to laugh at myself for mistakes made.  I am thankful for new friends to come along in life during this time.  I am thankful for the my nuclear and new family that love me.  I am thankful for a better career opportunity over the last year.  I am thankful for health and strength.  I am thankful for SALVATION.  I am thankful for a wonderful husband who laughs with me when I laugh and holds me when I cry.  I am thankful that the good times and challenges have brought us even closer a a couple.  Although 2012 was great, I am glad that it is 2013 and cant wait for what God has in store. :-)

They Want It All

         I am sitting down to a moment of peace and quiet.  In front of me is a yellow package of my favorite cookies that my husband o...