Friday, June 15, 2018

Happy Father's Day, Honey!!


     From the time that I was a little girl, I dreamed of having a loving husband in my life.  Among the qualities that I prayed for, I knew that I wanted him to be a great father for our children.   That is one of the things that attracted me to Mr. Awesome.  I saw how he was with my Bonus daughter.  Although things weren't always perfect, I saw that he was a great father, much like the example that I had from my own father.  Seeing the way he has fathered and now how he dotes over our babies is a site to behold.  I love his provision and protection over them.  I love how he lights up when he comes in the door to see them and how our toddler always does this happy dance when he comes home.  I love his support of me being home with them.  I can't say enough about how blessed I am to have him as their father and my parenting partner.  I look forward to all of the days to come as we go through the trenches of raising them. Thank you, God, for the gift of my hubby and to him I say,  Happy Father's Day!


They Want It All

         I am sitting down to a moment of peace and quiet.  In front of me is a yellow package of my favorite cookies that my husband o...