Today someone asked me how things were going with having two babies two years of age and under. I knew that her question was well intentioned and I knew that it was coming from a place of her own personal experience. I looked at her while trying to get my toddler into our car and said " Its going.......Either you swim or drown." That's the best way that I could describe it as she asked me during a time that I was trying to get my toddler and baby out of the house and into the car to run an errand. Before I had two babies under two, I had heard people use the term in a way that lets you know that the task was challenging. Yet when I became pregnant only six months after my oldest baby was born, I didn't imagine what was coming my way. Although I was overwhelmed at the thought of having two in diapers, I was glad to have an unexpected new addition to our family. When our sweet baby girl arrived, the challenge did not initially hit as she did a bit of sleeping those first few days. I was excited because she appeared to be a great sleeper, unlike my older baby who had nightly "parties" between 12:00-3:00 am.
One night, our little Yazmine woke up with a cry for milk, nothing extraordinary. Then it happened. My older baby, who had become a great night sleeper at this point, decided to wake up and join the crying party at the same exact time. That was the first moment that I knew that I didn't know what to do. One is crying. The other is crying. There is only one of me. And Mr. Awesome was getting his sleep on right in middle of the crying fest........................ Although I knew that he would have helped if I had awaken him, I didn't want to disturb him at that moment. Before I decided to join in on the crying fest, I got my nerves together and tended to my youngest, then oldest, then everyone was back asleep. I had put out the first of many "fires". As time had gone on, I had been challenged to divide my attention between my two babies, while trying to do other things that needed attention. Yaz needs milk, Alayna needs a snack, the dog needs to be walked, the dishes are getting dirty, the clothes are piling up, I need to grab groceries with two babies in tow, someone has a doctor's appointment, and I hadn't had a shower in three days. Mr. Awesome is being put on the back burner and I struggled to find the time to pay him much attention......................... Now that my youngest is one and my older baby is two, it has gotten a bit more manageable, but not by much. I hear that it gets easier as they get older. Sometimes I like to hear that. But honestly, I am basking in this stage where they are ALWAYS around my legs, pulling on my dress, running around giggling, and looking at me with a smile that absolutely melts my heart. I am so thankful that God let me experience this bond with my girls that lets me know that I mean so much to them as they do to me.
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