Friday, June 8, 2018

My Beauty, Their Beauty



To Alayna and Yazmine,

       In a world where your beauty will be measured up against an unrealistic standard of airbrushed models and scantily clothed entertainers, I want you to know that your beauty is God-given and is not dependent on the amount of skin that you show.  In a society that will try to make you ashamed of true femininity, it is my desire that you will walk in the full beauty of what God has placed in you as young girls and someday women.  In a culture that will try to judge you for having more or less melanin in your skin than others, I want you to know that God has put his personal seal on your beautiful shades of Mocha.  It was he who made all shades.  In a world that will try to convince you that you have to have certain physical features or a certain body size in order to be accepted, just know that your features and size are something to be content with.  Yet, we must treat our temples with respect.  Whether you are quiet like your mama or loud like your dad, I hope that you accept these traits and use them to speak up for the helpless and talk for the voiceless.  It is my desire that you look in the mirror at the curly and coilly locks on your heads and confidently flip your hair as you go on about your day, because your mama is flipping her hair too.  It is my hope that you look at your height, whether it be tall or short and see the unique benefits of it.  Whether you have a straight smile like your dad or a unique crooked one like me, I want you to always smile your biggest smile, because that is one way of letting the light that God put in you shine. Don't forget to rejoice with others who also shine the light that God has given them.   And about those chiseled arms that I know that you two inherited like your big sis, wave them proudly as your mama proudly waves her not so chiseled arms. Someone may be forgotten or ignored all day until you wave to them.  I pray that you always walk with your heads held high, not because you are overly confident but because you confidently know where your beauty really comes from.  It does not come from a magazine cover or a television commercial. It does not come from someone's opinion on a particular day or the amount of money that you have, it comes from the Lord. In him, we are fearfully and wonderfully made and wonderful are his works (Psalms 139:14). It is with this confidence that you can go out and fulfill your God-given assignment and I know that he has something special for you two to do.  Always remember that there is only one beautiful you, so don't waste time trying to be someone else.

Your mama

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