Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Show Me The Money

     From the time before we said 'I Do', Mr. Awesome and I knew that when we chose to become "one flesh" that included our finances. Since finances are a huge part of life, what is the point of getting married and sharing everything except that, right? We began preparing for that in Premarital Counseling and started phasing some things in before the wedding. The process of consolidation has been fun, interesting, but not without its challenges as we try to merge two money systems. Being the computer expert that he is, Mr. Awesome had already constructed a clever financial spreadsheet on his computer that he had used for quite some time. However, I was accustomed to hand writing my financial decisions down on a pre-printed budget sheet with color coded ink pens (on sale, of course). When he looked at my color coded pens and I looked at that highly detailed spreadsheet on his computer, I don't think that we really believed that we were going to have to change those things when it was time to consolidate. Needless to say, my pens are now in the desk drawer unused and his spreadsheet has taken on a different format that he says is difficult to read. Personally, I like the new spreadsheet and I am sure that he is thrilled not to have to see a bright orange or fuschia colored ink pen.
      One thing that has made consolidation a bit easier is that neither of us came into this with much debt, having only mortgage and a student loan. We both have roughly the same goals, but the biggest dilemma is agreeing on the path that we will take to get there. However, we do know that this is all a process and we are now in a financial class (by Dave Ramsey) to help us as we get it smoothed out. One thing I can say is that as we sat across from each other at the dining room table with exhausted looks in our eyes after trying to consolidate again, I am thankful to have a man who is willing to put in the work and has the character to make sure that we are in good financial shape as a family. Those are my desires as well.  Honestly, I thought that I had my finances in good shape before, but I am glad that Mr. Awesome has introduced me to new methods to make it even better. And I am introducing him to new methods, also (without using my bright orange or fuschia colored pens). :)

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Dating or Courtship?

      In the last post, Our Story,  an almost obsolete concept was introduced as I referred to how Mr. Awesome and I officially started our relationship. Courtship.  He asked me if he could go into courtship with me and I gladly agreed. Yes, it does sound like something from the 1950's and our society has gradually pulled away from the concept in favor of dating, but it was very beneficial in that we got to know each other on a deeper level without certain distractions that come with regular dating. Now, I will not claim that neither of us has never experienced dating before, because we have, but the courting aspect was so much more beneficial when it came to us and I am very happy that we did it that way.
*Dating:  an engagement to go out socially with another person; often out of romantic interest.
*Courting: to try to gain the love or affections of; especially to seek to marry

     Much like courting,  dating begins with the act of socializing and learning another person in a way that may determine if it is something that you want to pursue further.  However, with dating the issue comes when the sequence of learning a person is turned upside down and it takes on  the typical "try on for size" approach. In a lot of cases, a person (male or  female) will date the person, use their emotions, bodies, and waste their time without any real prospect of a permanent future.  With dating, it is believable that you can "try it before you buy it" and no one gets hurt.  If we look around, it is evident that the "nobody gets hurt" part is not true. Sometimes people escape with emotional scars and sometimes people escape with scars that they have to deal with for life.  Sometimes people get stuck in relationships where they wonder 'where is this going" after they have played the role of "wife" or "husband" for years. My personal "favorite" memory of dating is the waiting game.  Some years ago, I was once in a situation, where I was being told whatever lie needed to be told in order for me to stay in the situation while the guy decided on what he ultimately wanted to do.  PSA: Ladies, if a MAN really wants to be with you, it does not take him years upon years to do it.

    I am so glad that Mr. Awesome came with the best "game" ever.  When he asked me if he could court me, I was happy to know that he was the man I had been praying for and he had enough respect for the two of us that he did it in an honorable way. Most of the things that society tells us to do, we did not. We actually waited until our wedding day to have our first kiss.  We put off a lot of self gratification in order to keep our vision clear and our respect for each other. It was definitely not easy, let me tell you, but in the end it has been well worth it. . . . . . . . Please respond and let me know what you think about dating or courting.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Our Story

     Our story is one that I love to tell, because it happened in a way that neither Mr. Awesome nor I could have made happen on our own, especially considering that we were over 1300 miles apart. It was during our wedding that I realized quite a few of the people there did not know how we met or even came together.  Maybe some of those people were just there for the food anyway. :) Since ours is a unique story we would like to share it, here it is:

   It was in third grade that Corey and I shared Mrs. Johnson's class together at East Chattanooga Elementary. Our encounter was nothing more than that of classmates and our promotion to the next grade level sent us into two different schools for the next five years. After that, irony would have it that I went to high school out of my district and it was there that we met back up.  Our friendship grew over those next four years and we shared laughs thanks to Corey's comedy relief until graduation sent us, yet again, into two different directions. Corey went to serve in the U.S. Navy and I went to school at T.S.U. in Nashville and then on to Houston, TX after graduation. During this time, neither of us kept in touch with each other as we were doing our own thing including a couple of fruitless relationships. However, we both kept in touch with a mutual high school friend, Chantae.

    One day about ten years after high school graduation, I was on the phone talking to Chantae and we were reminiscing about people that we went to high school with. I asked about Corey and she told me how he was doing and then we continued on with our talk. It was during this conversation that he happened to call her on the other line and she connected him into the conversation. After she told him that there was someone on the phone that he hadn't talked to in a long time, I decided to play the 'guess who' game and was very surprised at how quickly he guessed who I was. We started to catch up and decided to exchange numbers to keep in touch. I was excited to be in touch with an old high school friend, but thought nothing more of it.   We talked off and on for a while getting reaquainted and learning each other on a deeper level, while just maintaining the friendship. Our sporadic conversations turned into daily conversations in which we realized that we had a lot in common. After a good while, he began to express interest in me and I was developing feelings also but I was afraid to show it. After our many talks, I realized that he was everything that I had been praying for, but inside I strongly fought it, puting it off on the distance factor as the reason why it couldn't go past friendship. Besides, we hadn't seen each other in over ten years, how is that going to work?

     Valentine's day roles around and he surprisingly sends a beautiful bouquet of Tulips {my favorite} to my job that he had never been too. Somehow he had secretly gotten the address from a co-worker and had them delivered to me. This officially started what would eventually become our courtship. We, then agreed to meet up a few months later in Washington D.C. 13 years to the day that we graduated high school. This would serve as a mini reunion that only included us two. It was the first time we had seen each other since graduation and it was the most pleasant trip. During that weekend is when he asked if he could court me. Yes, court. I responded with a resounding Yes and that is what began our courtship.  . . . . . . . . . The Proposal, next .....................

They Want It All

         I am sitting down to a moment of peace and quiet.  In front of me is a yellow package of my favorite cookies that my husband o...