Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Motherhood, The Ultimate Career


   I never grew up imagining that I would start a family in the way that I have, but God has a reason for everything.  Although I haven't birthed any babies yet, I have been blessed to be the Bonus Mom to my Bonus Daughter and now {introducing} our niece is in our care.  I quickly went from 0 to 100 miles per hour in what feels like no time and I have found myself needing to catch my breath. Whew. The ride has been wonderful at times and overwhelmingly tough at others, but it is such a privilege to play such an important role. 

     Recently I have found myself reflecting on the calling of motherhood as I have gotten a deeper appreciation for this special role.  I have found myself reflecting on its underrated value as I think of the new found understanding that I have for the sacrifices that came from my own mother and mothers/mother figures around the world.  As some people say when they get wisdom, "I get it now".  In society, motherhood is not pictured as this glamorous career that leads to a corner office with  a view of downtown and access to the company's car, but as a menial role of simply being a maid, cook, cab driver, and live-in nurse to little ones at the monetary rate of Free per hour.  Obviously it is so much more involved than that, you are raising the next generation, after all.  To be a mother requires sacrifice and a lot of it and now I can appreciate my mother's sacrifices over the years.  I can appreciate all the things that she did to make sure that we had more than what we needed and how she put much effort into raising (along with my father) us and making a house into a home.  I can appreciate all of the effort that was put into the biblical rearing of my brother and I and now I find myself in this important role that I can truly appreciate better. My life up until I got married was filled with serving God, seeking and obtaining a degree, and starting a career that I really enjoyed.  Although that was one of the toughest things that I could have done that required much discipline and sacrifice, motherhood has surpassed that by far.  As much as I enjoy doing what I do in the career world,  I can definitely say that motherhood is the ultimate career.  I definitely give a bow to all ladies that navigate this role and all who want to navigate this role.  It is one of the toughest and most rewarding careers that can be done, but it is a God-honoring role.

Friday, March 1, 2013

It's The Little Moments

     Being married has brought about many blissful moments as well as those moments that we both look at each other with frustrations.  There are those moments where things run smoothly and there are those times when we need to stop in the moment to figure out why we can't seem to communicate the way that we are really trying to.  With all those varying moments, some of the moments that I cherish the most are the moments that seem so insignificant, the day-to-day moments.  Its those moments like the times that my stomach gets butterflies when he turns the front door knob when coming home from work.  Its those moments when we are walking around in a store playing around like some big kids.  Its those moments when we are sitting in the same room doing two separate things, while still enjoying being around each other.  It's those moments when we are sitting around watching a movie (or shall I say that he is watching the movie and I am sleeping).  It's those moments when we go walking in the evening for exercise while talking about nothing and everything at the same time.  It's those moments when Mr. Awesome fills up my gas tank, puts a chocolate on my pillow, plans a great date night, or completes a task on his 'Honey  Do' list.  It's also those moments when neither of us can see past those little things that aggravate us about the other person.  However, through all of the good and not so good moments, the big and the small moments, I couldn't think of a more awesome person to spend those moments with.  My Mr. Awesome.

They Want It All

         I am sitting down to a moment of peace and quiet.  In front of me is a yellow package of my favorite cookies that my husband o...